Saturday, May 2, 2009

Learn the Hoedown Throwdown Move From Hannah Montana the Movie

Ever heard of the new Hoedown Throwdown craze? The hoedown throwdown craze is a dance move from the match awaited Hannah Montana Movie. If you haven't heard or seen this dance craze yet let Miley Cyrus a.k.a Hannah Montana teach us how to do this.

The Hoedown Throwdown is one of the grooviest and happiest breakdown scene in the movie. This is the scene where Hannah gets onstage at the barn party and dance the "Hoewdown Throwdown" like it's the normal thing to do. Then everyone picks it up and the whole place is rocking in no time.

So check this new craze and teach your kids the movie. All you have to do is get on your feet then wiggle from side to side. Anyways, check the video of Miley Cyrus and here choreographer Jamel guide us on how to do this dance craze.

Goodluck to everyone in mastering this move :)


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